Label Definitions

Introducing yourself is the first thing we do when we meet someone. So there shouldn't be any exceptions to this rule on the Internet, so please take some time and make your introduction. Thanks!

Business & Family
What dilemmas do you face when trying to build your business and caring after your family?

Ladies in the house! Where my girls @? Make your mark.

Raise your hand if you're a true playa!

Entrepreneurial Resources
If you have resources for our fellow eHeads please list them under this label. Thanks!

Obtainable Goals
My step-dad told me once that I needed to find a more obtainable goal because my dream of writing my cookbook wasn't an "obtainable goal". Have you had someone in your life try to deter you from doing what you know in your heart you are supposed to do? Tell us!

Focused and Positive
What methods are you taking to stay "focused & positive? Blog about it.

Support System
Do you have a support system? Are you surrounding yourself around positive and dedicated people? Are you putting yourself in the path to reaching your goals? We want to know.

Up and Downs, Highs and Lows
What keeps you moving towards your goals? What's keeping you from reaching your goals? Rant and Rave all you want!

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    # by Anonymous - June 6, 2007 at 1:57 PM

    Mompreneur, in the house.

    I think what you have going here is GREAT!!!
    I am a stay at home mom (looking to stay AT HOME). I started a small catering company doing Hors'Douvers only as well as personalized gifts.....only I haven't been doing much biz lately....and the hubby is wanting me to go back to work.

    Why is it that most African-American families don't support enterpreneurship? My mom is asking everyday if I've found anything. I don't want to go back to work for anyone else because I know I can be successful working for myself.....but they think you must work for a large company with a big title to a success. I want to focus my attention on building my own biz not making someone else rich as they would never pay me enough to be on their same level.

    Ok...... now that I've vented....., I can focus on what's important and that is the passion God has placed in my spirit/heart to be my own boss.

    Again great site.

    Much Peace and Many Blessings,
